Quality Manuals in the next age
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auteur : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering
zie ook: www.pragma-ade.nl
structured sources
A thorough inventarisation of requirements and structure of
the manual and the wishes of the users will save an enormous
amount of time and energy in the updating phase of your
quality manual. To maintain the sources in an efficient way
the manual must have structure. Frequent altering text
elements like department names, product names, job names
must be identified and declared in one location of the
document. Re-use of information is essential.
automated production
At Pragma ADE we work by the idea that the computer must do
what it can do. That is the reason that the quality manual
is generated automatically and not typeset manually. This
applies not only to the layout, section numbering and page
numbering, etc. but also to the references. In quality
manuals with thousands of references that will become
hyperlinks in electronic versions you can not maintain the
sources manually.
The automated generation of manuals has the advantage that
updating will be more frequent and references will not cause
any problems.
adapted layout
To design layouts for paper or electronic versions of the
quality manual we must consider some design issues. Reading
from screen differs from reading from paper. The paper has a
different size and a much better resolution than the screen.
The way of presenting information may differ from user group
to user group and from department to department. Therefore
interfacing and typesetting require specific attention.
Information must be accessable in a few keystrokes or
partial manuals
The determination of various user groups of a quality manual
is necessary to be able to approach these groups in various
ways. When the sources are adequately coded it is possible
to generate a manual for each user group or even each
employee with its own interface and content.
medium neutral storage
To be able to meet future demands Pragma ADE always stores
the information in a well tagged medium neutral format, like
xml. In this way we are independent of the operating systems
or word processors. Many packages and integral quality
systems are very inflexible because of the formats that are
chosen to store the sources. In some situations this will
lead to a non-innovative attitude when new developments are
required, because any re-use of information would require
enormous amounts of energy and money.
electronic forms
Forms can be distributed electronically but we can also fill
them in via the computer. The data can be exported so that
it can be processed by specific computer applications.
Pragma ADE can help you to approach your forms in a
completely different way.
interactive flows
Flows that are made in dedicated programs always cause
maintenance problems. Furthermore those programs are not
supporting interactivity. Pragma ADE has developed tools
that reduces the maintenance of flows to text editing and
the flows are stored in a tagged format that allows us to
generated those flows on the spot. This feature enables
total hyperlinking if necessary.
Pragma ADE support
Pragma ADE has not only experience in advising on the issues
decribed above but is also capable of producing the
electronic manuals. The electronic quality manuals that
Pragma ADE has developed are characterized by a high quality
typography and a well designed layout for screen.
flexibility and quality
Pragma ADE takes care of a medium neutral storage format of
your document sources so there will not be any limitations
in actuality, extensiveness and structure. The electronic
documents are in a platform independent format so they can
be viewed on any computer platform. There are many ways of
distributing the documents: cdrom, internet or intranet. The
paper version is obtained in a higher quality than you are
used to.
some examples
The electronic products Pragma ADE has produced thusfar fall
into the following categories:
- handbooks and reference manuals
- technical manuals
- study books
- law books
- word books
- lexicons
- address and telephone guides
- periodicals and magazines
- quality manuals and
- productcatalogi
more information
More information on the issues that were mentioned above can
be obtained from the Pragma ADE site. You will find there
examples of the products Pragma ADE has developed. But you
are also welcome to contact us directly by phone or email.